A storage business has renewed its partnership with a cyber security company because it believes it is just as important to keep clients’ data as safe as their possessions.
Store & Secure, which has three huge facilities in Bournemouth, Poole and Basingstoke, is working with C3IA Solutions.
The ‘security managed partnership’ means the cyber experts carry out vulnerability assessments on Store & Secure’s systems.
They have also guided the company through the Cyber Essentials certification and provide cyber security training and education.
Sophie Maidman, who runs Store & Secure with sister Lucy, said good cyber security helps reassure clients.
She said: “Our relationship with C3IA Solutions brings peace of mind for us and our clients.
“Physical security is obviously something we have always taken extremely seriously – it is in our name.
“But some years ago we realised that cyber security was just as important because we hold clients’ data.
“Partnering with C3IA Solutions has really given us an insight into how to ensure our data is secure as possible.
“We have three sites and new clients arrive daily so there is a lot of data being processed.
“During the lockdowns more criminals went online to commit fraud so we always assume someone is trying to attack our systems.”
C3IA Solutions, which was one of the first companies to be certified by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), is headquartered in Poole, Dorset, and works across the public and private sectors.
Dave Owen from the company said: “We work with many firms who have an IT department or outsourced IT companies and we come in to test for vulnerabilities.
“We’re not there to replace IT companies, but approach it from a cyber security point of view.
“As well as checking systems we guide clients through the Cyber Essentials certification, which also provides free cyber insurance.
“On top of that we train and educate staff to know what to look out for with regard to scams and how to recognise them.
“We always make the point to clients that they wouldn’t leave their business without locking the door – so why would they leave their systems open to attack?”